February 24th, 2021

I have gone through many sci-fi books and their author, and ever since man was able to write on a paper, he wanted to show vision of his or her surroundings far more advance than what it currently was at that time. Seventy years ago people were star stuck at the technology of a wired phone, operators and being able to talk to your friend miles apart. Seventy years later, not too much has changed, even in the age of iPad and iPhones. Writers and authors of 50-70 years ago predicted we would have flying cars and Friday nights would be spent on Mars or the Moon; this fantasy came truly only in the hit songs of Frank Sinatra ‘Fly me to the Moon’, and movies of Spielberg like E.T. and Close Encounters. The genre of Science Fiction never really got a true definition, because when I see certain books on the bookshelves these days, I can instantly say “that book doesn’t belong in sci-fi category”.

There are so many so called ‘Science Fiction novels’, but none prevail that defines the definition of Science Fiction. What is a science fiction novel? Science fiction novels is a story that should give a glimpse of the near or distance future for humanity, or the space age, which is realistic for us to relate to. I ran into novel with synopsis of alien vampires, and Planet XYZ Dracula’s attacking the civilians of another planet. Where are those books like 2001 space odyssey, 1984, and War of the Worlds? The foundation of sci-fi books have always been around aliens, our human existence and the future of man kind in the near future being effected by environment; natural or otherwise.

All the new sci-fi books have mostly been of fantasy genre, or a mirror image of a recent novel which became a hit. This is another problem with the dieing publishing world; they milk the same subject over and over again just because one became a hit. When ‘Twilight’ saga came out, soon after, hundreds of other novels came out based on vampire love story and triangle; whether they belonged on the bookshelves or not, the publishers made sure they milked out any and every author they had who wrote around the same subject. This is why in my opinion, going the independent and self publishing route is the wave of the future. No longer do you have to depend upon a third party to accept, like or dislike your work; the new technology has allowed the author to judge their own work.

The positive side to new publishing methods has also made the author well versed in the art of creative writing with zero grammatical and spellings errors. Most professionally published work has been edited, and re-edited by professional copywriters. An original manual script of a published author is far different than the released copy. Many people think that authors are the greatest doctors of written language, while in reality they, too, have the same, average English skills which are polished far beyond their capability to make it sound and read well. In the new multiverse era of books and publishing I came across a unique gem; ‘Kyirux: The Message of Pascal’.

Reading the synopsis gave me the thrill of the good old days of futuristic storyline with realistic approach. The story of Kyirux is based on a strange device that gets discovered from deep beneath the surface of our planets in the early years of 21st century, which turns out to be 500 million years old. This device tells the human about their origins, lays out the secrets of our universe, and, gives a warning of celestial proportions. Just reading the synopsis gave me chills, and as the short intro, the story was well beyond applause. This is a must read for all sci-fi books’ fans.

The Canon Powershot D10 12.1 MP Waterproof Digital Camera is definitely a respectable camera for those of you that would like to take photos in wet situations, whether it is under water, while in the rain or perhaps when rafting down the river. This is a great, simple device which is effective at capturing outstanding photos irrespective of where it’s utilized.
It is able to provide vibrant, as well as brilliant shots precisely where it is generally tough to obtain one as well as id therefore a continuously dependable product. The particular options that come with this digital camera perform together to obtain the best possible outcomes which are satisfying as well as unexpected to find out that they originated from a product that’s reasonably priced as well.
The construction for this digital camera is actually quite sturdy due to the fact that it can be used while in the water as well. For that reason, it is actually sturdy enough to face up to unanticipated shocks. Besides utilizing it as a possible under water camera, it can also be employed as a possible daily device for shooting informal images with regard to any type of scenario since it offers a number of settings such as portrait, children as well as animals, sunset, beach, panorama and so forth., which are ideal for each and every type of area and setting. The automatic function of this camera is forever there in the event the consumer is uncertain in regards to the controls which need to be altered for taking the best photo, which is suitable to create positive outcomes practically just about everywhere. Immediately after making use of device for taking images below the water it will instantly take photos above it again without any difficulty because it is waterproof and therefore the water will not mess up the camera readily.
1. The actual construction for this camera is certainly small as well as light-weight, rendering it convenient to carry in the course of out-of-doors events, since it is the primary reason for buying the camera for the vast majority of consumers.
2. The functioning of the product is certainly speedy since the lag periods are extremely low so this feature will be especially helpful when capturing action photos.
3. The picture stabilization functions very nicely and this causes the video clip to create top quality outputs.
4. The automatic focus on the digital camera is quite ideal for virtually all who make use of it plus the product is straightforward to work so that it is suitable for even children to use it.
5. A self timer element in the camera is certainly wonderful because it is able to take a couple of additional pictures whenever it identifies fresh faces within the focus.
1. It is sometimes complicated to be able to toggle back and forth between the picture and movie settings on the digital camera since it requires loads of feedback from the operator and could have really been improved if perhaps it utilized just one button similar to almost every other digital cameras.
2. The components employed in producing the actual physical structure for this device leaves a great deal of finger prints and additionally therefore requires a great deal of upkeep.
3. There isn’t any standard zoom lens top for the camera and that tends to make the item susceptible to mishaps as well as airborne dirt and dust build up covering the lens.
4. The video clips taken are usually in a .mov file format through default and moreover this isn’t desirable for windows owners even though the software will work for the Macintosh computer.
All in all, I’d have to say that the Canon Powershot D10 12.1 MP Waterproof Digital Camera is truly a reliable camera those of you that want a digital camera designed for out-of-doors functions that is definitely strong as well as sturdy.

iPods, the new brand portable media player was launched by Apple Inc. in October 2001. iPod was a part of the company strategy to mark its existence in the digital electronic market. There were various complaints against existing audio players and Apple found existing digital music players merely ?big and clunky or small and useless”. Decided to create one Apple set into its production and developed it in less than a year. It was unveiled on October 23, 2001.

It was Vinnie Chieco, a freelance copywriter, who proposed the name iPod. The first iPod demonstration to the public was held in New Jersey in March 1998, and its commercial use began in January 2000. Generally, iPod is associated with a host computer. Each time when an iPod gets connected to its host computer, iTunes gets synchronized to the entire music libraries or music playlists either automatically or manually. The songs are later transferred to the iTunes library.
But always there have been criticisms against iPods. Even lawsuits were filed against it for failing to meet the expectations assured through the advertisements.

In 2003, Apple was sued for the shorter life of batteries, which was later settled by either a free battery replacement or a US$50 store credit. There was another criticism regarding the third generation iPod as they had a failed response in audio tests.

There have been allegations of short life span of iPods According to a survey held in 2005; it was found that the iPod had an average 13% failure rate. In late 2005, there were complaints from users that the surface of the first generation iPod is easily scratchable leading to a law suit.
But whatever may be the case, no doubt iPods have a large fanfare in the entertainment market. The claim by Apple “1000 songs in your pocket, ” has never failed to evoke a response among the users.

Hot romance stories available today range from gentle and sensitive erotic fiction to love between fantastic creatures and sex games that stretch the imagination. They invite readers to experience adventures beyond their normal lives.

Some classics in hot fiction, like ‘Story of O’ (by French author Anne Desclos, who wrote under the pen name Pauline Reage – English version published 1965) may not be readily available (you can probably find a second hand copy). ‘Story of O’ was an enormous commercial success and even won a literary prize. However, there are many other erotic novels which are available today. Regrettably, they may sell strongly but are often written with less psychological insight and without its calm, almost emotionless, elegant style.

Hot romance novels today have considerable freedom in the creation of the leading characters. Some are fairly ‘realistic’, as with cowboys, cops and soldiers, but nonetheless possessing great sexual appeal. Others involve the imagination and delve into fantasy. There is an abundance of vampires, werewolves, demon-slayers and even feline-based characters. The women are often – though not always – beautiful and invariably have a great longing and a yearning for love.

Some author’s write prolifically in this genre and don’t feel the need to be realistic, yet provide characters that readers can still identify with, as in ‘Pleasure Unbound’, by Larissa Ione. The heroine is a demon-slayer with a great sexual thirst that is denied her. Unfortunately, the character with greatest appeal for her is a hot demon!

Lora Leigh is another who writes extensively and with great imagination. In ‘The Man Within’, the man she loves belongs to a genetically altered Feline Breed which has shocked the world with their presence. In ‘Guilty Pleasures’ the women have husbands or lovers who are members of an exclusive and select ?Club,? where a third party is invited into their beds.

Some have produced a new version of familiar stories. for instance, ‘ ‘Enchanted: Erotic Bedtime Stories For Women’ by Nancy Madore. She has assembled some of the world’s best known fairy tales into an erotic collection.

Others like to tempt controversy. In ‘Bedroom Bully’, by Trista Russell, the novel is, in essence, a romantic suspense novel. However, a key feature has the heroine falling in love and becoming passionately involved with the man who has taken her captive!

Not to be overlooked are the scenes described by Lorelei James. In ‘Tied Up, Tied Down’, the action is played out cowboy style as the hero uses rope to keep the heroine ‘tied’ to him in no-holds-barred sex games.

Hot romance is clearly alive and flourishing, as well as being eagerly read by millions of fans who enjoy a touch of erotica with their bedtime reading.

The 50 Shades of Grey book has sold millions of copies and continues to hold the attention of many readers today. The movie is expected to be just as successful as more people like to see the differences that can be found between a best-selling book and the movie that is created from it. Making a choice between one and the other is not an option these days.

This book discusses things that many people are intrigued by including communication and understanding between a man and a woman. When there are problems in a relationship, one can almost always look back to a period of distrust to discover where the cause lies. Whether one is lying outright or they are simply holding back information, there will be a level of trust that is lost during this process.

Sometimes in a relationship there may be secrets that can prove devastating when the other person learns about the things you have kept hidden. Because of this you need to learn to be open and honest with others. However this can be difficult when you have trusted and been betrayed in the past.

Working through problems that have been created as a result of someone’s betrayal can be difficult. When you read this book you will learn about the trials that are really common in everyday life today. There are always things that you hope that your partner will not discover but the truth of the matter is that they probably will.

As you work to resolve these issues, you will find that there is a level of mistrust that will be new to the relationship. Whether it is due to the fact that the other person lied outright about the situation or they simply did not tell you is irrelevant. When something has been kept from your partner and they learn the truth, there will be problems.

E L James writes this book to help others learn how to handle these situations and to add a real life spin to the fictional characters. The 50 Shades of Grey book is written in a way that puts the reader in the story line and involves them in the plot. This type of writing is spell binding and difficult to put down.

The 50 Shades of Grey movie continues on this path of drawing the reader in. Of course there is a difference between reading it and watching it but the plot and story line remain nearly the same. As you learn about the trials that face the couple, you simply cannot wait for the next scene to see what happens.

Keeping a spending journal is one of the most important financial decisions that you’ll ever make. So why don’t more people keep track of what they’re spending? Chances are if you’re not keeping a spending journal right now you’ve either never heard of it or you aren’t aware of the benefits. What could it possible do for your financial situation to simply write down how much you’re spending? If you’re wondering about this, here are three reasons why you need to start keeping a spending journal as soon as possible.
Benefit #1: Overcoming Denial
When you start writing down everything that you’re spending you’ll be 100% aware of what you’re spending and how much spending you’re doing. Over spending is MUCH harder to do when you’re being consistently reminded of how you’re spending your money. For example, many people start keeping track of their spending and find that they’re spending hundreds of dollars a month eating out. When this happens and you become aware of how your spending is matching up with your exact values, you’ll be compelled to make changes in your spending habits.
Benefit #2: Coming Up With a Plan
The second benefit of keeping a spending journal is getting enough clarity about your financial situation so that you can come up with a plan for how to control your spending. For example, in the four bucket financial system, you spend according to four categories: living expenses, investing, giving and setting money aside for purchases or emergencies. Your living expenses represent 70% or less of your spending while the other three categories represent 10% or more each. In order to put this plan together, you need clarity about how you’re already spending your money and where you need to make your adjustments.
Benefit #3: A Great Sense of Control
Much of the financial stress that people experience comes from feeling that they are out of control. This feeling diminishes quite a bit once you get a clear picture of what’s happening in your financial life. Even if things aren’t going well, having clarity will help you quite a bit because you’ll no longer be wondering what is happening. Fear comes from uncertainty and uncertainty can be cleared up almost immediately by keeping a written record of what you’re spending and why you’re spending it.
So now that you’re aware of what the benefits are of keeping a spending journal, why not start your spending journal right now? You can begin by saving all of the receipts from your purchases and writing down what you spent today. It will take only fifteen minutes and by getting into this habit, you’ll build a stronger awareness of what your financial habits are and have a much better grasp on coming up with a plan for changing them and taking control.

Puppet Time

Who does not enjoy puppets? They are especially fascinating to younger pupils, and your class will love if you begin the day with a puppet on your hand. Let the puppet welcome your English enrichment class students at your initial circle time if you opt to start the day with a routine class pal or mascot. 

You can also contribute to the individuality appeal of your puppet by having it make constant mistakes in its vocabulary usage. Have the puppet say basic errors fancy, “Hello. How are me?” and allow the children cherish in correcting their silly puppet pal.

One-minute Theatre

One-minute Theatre, like Human Slideshow, can be made use of to sum up chapters, publications and various other reading material. It can likewise be utilized to expose your pupils to the stories of tough work, so that they can focus on understanding the writing instead of following the tale.

You can provide pupils a recap of a full play or of smaller sized sections of it, then request them to review it, designate positions and put together a one-minute play that goes with the summary. Do not be a disciplinarian for time. If their plays take 2-4 minutes, that’s great too!

The trick here is to make the activity challenging, yet achievable for each kid. Plays are perfect for this function, of taking care of varying abilities, as you can offer larger roles to more advanced students, hence keeping them motivated and tested while making it considerably simpler for the slower pupils by giving them fewer lines. Meanwhile all pupils will be gaining from being involved and listening to the English conversed over and over again.

The educator’s own enthusiasm also goes a long way towards encouraging a child. Anybody who has instructed a class of children know how swiftly they sense and mirror your frame of mind. If you believe your English grammar class is boring, so will they! By using drama as an instructing method and enabling children to learn language in the simulated reality of a story they will obtain far more fun from the program and fun is constantly inspiring.

Art Projects

Art is a great means to get your young pupils delighted and fascinated in a selection of lessons to reinforce various vocabulary. Let’s say you’re utilizing an art class to follow up the learning of various colour words; you could ask students what colour they’re using with the phrase “What colour is this?”

The same type of lesson can be made use of once pupils become more advanced with various other type of vocabulary, from fruits to jobs to pets, by having students draw pictures using the vocabulary that was introduced in course and afterwards assisting them to label their drawings making use of the words they discovered.

Chemistry Teacher

Chemistry educators are employed in schools passing on their understanding of chemistry to the next generation, following an established educational program and helping their pupils to pass and succeed in their school examinations. As well as a degree or equivalent credentials in chemistry, you might additionally require an educating qualification (such as a PGCE in the UK) in order to be employed as a JC chemistry tuition educator or chemistry teacher.

Oil, fuel and mining

The petroleum industry consists of the worldwide procedures of expedition, extraction, refining, transferring, and advertising oil products. The largest volume items of the industry are fuel oil and fuel. Oil is likewise the raw product for lots of chemical products, including pharmaceuticals, solvents, chemicals, plant foods, and plastics. The sector is typically separated into 3 major parts: upstream (exploration and manufacturing), midstream (transportation), and downstream (refining petroleum, handling and cleansing gas, producing petrochemicals).

Chemical production and synthesising

The chemical industry is critical to modern-day globe economies and functions to transform resources such as oil, natural gas, air, water, metals, and minerals into greater than 70,000 different items. These base items are then made use of to make consumer products along with production, solution, construction, farming, and other markets.

Over three-fourths of the chemical industry’s output globally is polymers and plastics. Chemicals are made use of to make a wide variety of consumer goods, along with hundreds of products that are inputs to the farming, production, service, and building and construction markets. The chemical sector itself takes in approximately a quarter of its own production. Major industrial clients include rubber and plastic products, textiles, clothing, oil refining, paper and pulp, and main metals.

Forensic Scientist

Forensic scientists search for and analyse forensic materials located at crime scenes, for instance blood and other bodily fluids, hair, or non-biological materials such as paint. They are then able to present this proof for use in legal inspections and law courts. Forensic scientists might occasionally be hired to speak in court as experts in their field, to describe the evidence to the jury.

Water Chemist

Water chemists, as the name indicates, are interested in analysing and preserving the quality and condition of water, essential for human life on Earth. This is a highly interdisciplinary niche, so along with chemistry you may also require understanding of connected fields such as microbiology and geology. You might discover similar roles under a range of names, for instance hydrologist or hydrogeologist.


Pharmacologists carry out the development and screening of medicines, analysing how they connect with organic systems. This is important for making certain that medicines are risk-free and efficient for human use and might entail the testing of drugs on animals or on human volunteers. Pharmacology functions are usually lab-based and may include non-standard hours so as to keep track of ongoing experiments.

At a recent workshop I was asked for tools for self-guidance and here are three I have used myself at different times.
WRITING IN A DIARY OR JOURNAL This tool works because you get your thoughts out so that you can review different aspects of your situation. It’s effective in a similar way to a conversation as you get to express thoughts and feelings. Try to write without ‘editing’ to please an imaginary judgmental reader. You are the only reader and editing may be in the way of the truth. Start by clarifying what you are seeking guidance about. Ask yourself the questions you want answer. Then write answers as if you are a magazine ‘agony aunt’. Or let your thoughts flow freely, ranging around until you find you are writing something helpful.
SLEEPING ON IT people say ‘sleep on it’ when someone voices their concerns but is not getting anywhere. It does work. Write down your issues and questions before you go to sleep, or sit with them in meditation or prayer. Let them go and go to sleep. Then notice what is there in your psyche as you wake up. It might be pictures, dream fragments or fully formed thoughts. There may be new insights or a fresh way of looking at things available to you with the new day.
FINDING ANSWERS IN NATURE Nature offers so much as a source of inspiration and wisdom and this is something to do wherever you are. Taking your current life question with you, go out into a park, a garden or on a country walk. Keep an eye out for something that attracts you that you can take home easily, perhaps a stone, a leaf or a fallen twig. Don’t look for anything in particular in this exercise, just for what catches your eye. Take it home and sit comfortably. Talk to yourself about the object, noticing everything about it. Then form sentences starting with ‘What this…(the natural object) Tells me about… (the life question) is… and see what answers come to you.
All the best with using these tools for self-guidance. I’d love to know what happens when you try them. Please do write and tell me.

July 20th, 2020

There are many types of photography, some types not as glamorous as other types. I could use up a couple paragraphs just listing them all; but since there only a couple that interest me, I won’t. But let me tell you about the type I enjoy the most, “Personal Photography”, sounds like I just made that up but I didn’t. See I’ve been doing this type since I was fourteen years old, need I mention that I’m fifty-one years old now. As a young lad I was always interested in photography, the one way I could show where I had been or what I had seen.
Most important of all, it’s the personal memories it gives me of days gone by. Days that I will never see again and the people whom I most likely will never meet again. This is the type of photography you can’t buy, and maybe of no interest to anybody else. The photographs of my Mom and Dad whom have passed away; I can look back on those photos and see the different stages of their lives and reminiscences of how those times were. Photographs of my children as they were growing up; photos that show the changes in each of them, and most of all the pictures that make each of my kids unique.
Sports and Landscape photography are what catches my main interest, and now and then an Air Show photography shoot. But Personal Photography is what keeps me snapping pictures. Now that we have computers and digital photography, (“if that sentence doesn’t show my age,”) I try to keep my hard drives and backups full of my personal photos. And I still have many photo albums full of black and white photographs, as well color images from color negatives. Someday I will transfer those Images to my computer also.
And no matter what type of camera you have, personal photography can be taken with a “high-end” digital SLR camera or even now days: a cell phone camera. You don’t need to be a certified professional photographer to take this type of photograph and you really don’t need to impress anyone but yourself. Don’t let time pass you by without photographing it, because it is a moment in time that you will own forever. I am glad I had taken photographs through the years of the people I love and the places I’ve been, but most of all the pictures of family and friends that have “past-away”. I seem to always recollect when I look at photograph I had taken, the time frame in my life of that snap shot.
Trust me when I say it’s cheaper now days to take photographs then it was when I started doing photography! So go out and get a point and shoot camera or the digital SLR that you have always wanted to get and start recording your own personal photography journal. And when you start taking pictures of people and places close to you and look back on them you’ll find personal photography is the most important photography in life.