One of the best things I have ever done to help myself eat healthy is keeping a food journal. I struggled for many years with eating too much, eating too little, and eating junk. You can’t survive eating this way. It is not good for your body as there is no way you are getting the proper nutrition. I found keeping track made me so much more aware of what I was eating, it causes you to think twice about what you put in your mouth.
Keeping your journal is very easy. It does not have to be elaborate. Get yourself a little pocket notebook and start right away! Put down everything you put in your mouth. Even if it is one grape, write it down! I think you will be very surprised how much you eat that you were not aware of.
If you are struggling with weight gain this is a wonderful tool to figure out where those extra calories are coming from. Calories add up so fast, especially if you drink beverages with high sugar content. Water is always best! You should be drinking half your body weight in water. If you are 100 pounds you should be drinking 50 ounce of water.
You do not have to keep a journal for ever. I think you will notice that just by doing it your habits will start to change. I know for me I did not want to write down that I ate 6 cookies, so I didn’t eat them. It caused me to make better food choices.
Good luck, and remember food is needed for nutrients so try to make healthy choices. I take supplements because I find it hard to get all the nutrients I need from food. If you keep the journal you will be on your way to better eating!